WORD!Slam is WORD!s annual poetry slam competition. Launched in 2018 following the
success of WORD!'s inaugural 'East Midlands Poetry Slam',
WORD!Slam takes place in November at Leicester's Y Theatre.
Hosted by Lydia Towsey, previous co-hosts include Rob Gee and Jamie Thrasivoulous, as well as
previous headliners, Jess Green (BBC Slam Champion 2019) and the internationally
acclaimed founder of Slambassadors, Joelle Taylor.
Two runners-up receive book hampers, courtesy of Burning Eye Books. The winner
takes it all with a cash prize, WORD! trophy and future paid WORD! gig. In addition to
WORD!Slam, WORD! also delivers workshops around each slam date, including a
bespoke project for young people in residence at The Y.
For more information or to get involved, drop a line to [email protected]